NOVA readies for Missions number 16 and 17!

NOVA Hope for Haiti has decided to return to a tradition that was part of our early history: we are sending 2 mission trips in the next 6 months.  For years NOVA sent two missions per year to Haiti until cost and volunteer burn-out made it better for us to send one mission per year.…

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Thank You to our friends at DOMUS

I would like to thank our friends Luisa and Nicki at DOMUS for choosing NOVA Hope for Haiti to be the recipient for their annual Garage Sale Fundraiser for the third year in a row.  Because of their hard work, the hard work of our volunteers who worked in the heat on June 1st to…

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Meet the staff of the Boileau Clinic

                Altenord Nixon, M.D Born in Les Cayes, Haiti, January 18, 1974.  He studied in the Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Sante de l’Université Lumière in Port au Prince, Haiti and graduated with his degree in Medicine in 2004.  He was the part time medical…

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Centre Materno et Infantil de Boileau Operational!

On February 4, 2013 NOVA Hope for Haïti commenced operating the Centre Materno et Infantil de Boileau in conjunction with the Haitian Pilgrims of Lewisville, TX.  As the name implies, although open to the population at large CMIB is creating programs that will address women of child bearing age, pregnant women and new born infants…

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NOVAs 14th Medical Mission a Great Success

NOVA Hope for Haiti conducts two types of volunteer missions each year: Medical and Non-medical Maintenance missions. Medical Missions: Twice every year, NOVA sends teams of skilled medical practitioners to our permanent clinic to supplement and work with our Haitian medical staff.  Typically we send up to six doctors, preferably three pediatricians and three adult…

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NOVA’s 15th Medical Mission about to head to Haiti

On January 26th to February 3rd NOVA will conduct our 15th Medical Mission in Haiti 2013 will see the largest team NOVA has sent to Haiti to date, with 33 doctors, nurses, translators, and other volunteers going to Cavaillon, Haiti to open a week long emergency care clinic. Things are looking good: our medicine is…

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Hurricane Sandy: a strange solidarity in the wake of a superstorm

NOVA Hope for Haiti wishes to express our sincerest condolences to those who lost loved ones because of Hurricane Sandy and our sympathies to all who continue to suffer because of lost homes, power, heat and property. The huge swath of destruction caused by this historic event has created a strange and unfortunate solidarity between…

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NOVA Hope for Haiti: Hope for the Children dinner a great success

On Monday, October 22, 2012 NOVA Hope for Haiti inaugurated a campaign to raise $150,000.00 to renovate a house NOVA owns in Cavaillon, Haiti, and transform it into a pediatric clinic. 140 people attended, to support NOVA and to hear about our plans for permanent pediatric care in Cavaillon.  The event was help in at…

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Why we are building a Pediatric Clinic

NOVA Hope for Haiti has been running medical missions to Haiti for over 10 years.  All it takes is for a doctor or nurse to come on one of our medical missions  just once and they realize that while we do amazing work, which at times even saves lives, we are not really making a sustained…

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