NOVA volunteers make a home visit to Keysha
In January 2016, a NOVA team of volunteers visited the home of our patient Keysha.
Just 15 months ago in October 2014, Keysha arrived at our clinic with a potentially deadly eye infection. Dr. Waseem Hafeez, a pediatric emergency room physician drained the infection and began Keysha on antibiotics to deal with the infection. Her mom was instructed to bring her back to the clinic in the days to come for follow up visits, which she did. By the end of the week, Keysha was out of danger and on the mend.
A few weeks ago, some of NOVA’s volunteers took a 30 minute walk from the clinic to find Keysha’s home. The team found a healthy, happy little girl.
Because of your continued generosity and support, Keysha is running around like any other healthy three year-old.
Thank you for making a difference!
- Keysha when she arrived with her eye infected
- Keysha receiving treatment from Dr. Waseem
- Keysha in January 2016 at her home
Click here for the original story about Keysha from 2014: